Jing Qian

Jing Qian 钱璟

Assistant Professor Faculty Fellow of Political Science
New York University, Shanghai

567 West Yangsi Road
Pudong New Area
Shanghai, China, 200124

Email: jingqian@nyu.edu



My name is Jing Qian, and I am currently an Assistant Professor of Political Science at New York University, Shanghai.

In 2023, I obtained my PhD in Politics at Princeton University, where I was affiliated with the Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance. My advisors were James Vreeland (Chair), Helen Milner, and Layna Mosley.

In 2023-2024, I was a Postgraduate Research Associate and Lecturer in the Politics Department at Princeton University. Before coming to Princeton, I received a B.A. in international politics and an M.A. in international public policy from Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

I explore the domestic and international politics of international taxation, with a focus on why — for decades — governments have been reluctant and unable to curb tax avoidance. More broadly, I study the politics of public finance, as well as transparency and replicability in quantitative research. My dissertation is supported by the Princeton University Multi-Center Graduate Student Dissertation Grant and Dean's Completion Fellowship.

Some of my work has been published in International Organization and Public Administration.

You can find a copy of my CV here. (Last updated: May 2024)

Research Interests

Political economy of international taxation, multinational corporations, foreign direct investment, foreign aid, multilateral development banks, quantitative methods.

Peer-reviewed Publications

Qian, Jing, James Raymond Vreeland, and Jianzhi Zhao. 2023. The Impact of China's AIIB on the World Bank. International Organization. 77(1), pp. 217-237.

Qian, Jing, Jiahuan Lu, and Jianzhi Zhao. 2022. A replication of "Exploring and explaining contracting out: Patterns among the American states". Public Administration. 100(4), pp. 1161-1182.

Current Projects

Treaty Shopping, Race to the Bottom, and Treaty Cascades (manuscript)

Flexibility in International Institutional Design: The Case of the OECD MLI

Domestic Institution and Multinational Profit-Shifting

Enumerators as Treatment Versions: Enumerator-Induced Treatment Heterogeneity and its Consequences (with Brandon de la Cuesta and Simon Hoellerbauer)

In-Group Punishment in International Relations (with James Raymond Vreeland and Jianzhi Zhao)